Growth, profitability and capital adequacy
OmaSp's historical economic development has been strong. The factors that contributed to this include the positive development of operating income, earnings and profitability, as well as strong capital adequacy.
OmaSp's Board of Directors has confirmed the following long term (3 to 5 years) financial objectives:
- Growth
10–15 percent annual growth in total operating income under the current market conditions.
- Profitability
Cost/income ratio under 45 percent.
- Return on equity (ROE)
Comparable long-term return on equity (ROE) over 16 percent.
- Capital adequacy
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio at least 2 percentage points above the regulatory requirement.
The Board of Directors has adopted a dividend policy pursuant to which the bank targets a steady and growing dividend with an annual dividend payout of at least 20 per cent of the previous years’ profit for the accounting period.
OmaSp´s key figures
We track several key figures to measure our business. The table below shows the key figure data on 31 December 2024, 31 December 2023, 31 December 2022, 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020.
Alternative key figures excluding items affecting comparability:
EUR thousand, unless otherwise stated
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | |
Comparable profit before taxes | 86,656 | 143,609 | 75,850 | 53,142 | 26,729 |
Comparable cost/income ratio, % | 37.8% | 35.1% | 48.0% | 48.0% | 51.2% |
Comparable return on equity (ROE) % | 12.4% | 25.3% | 15.8% | 11.2% | 6.5% |
1.1.-31.12.2024 | 1.1.-31.12.2023 | 1.1.-31.12.2022 | 1.1.-31.12.2021 | 1.1.-31.12.2020 | |
Net interest income | 213,097 | 197,045 | 104,930 | 80,130 | 67,819 |
Fee and commission income and expenses, net | 50,745 | 47,421 | 39,396 | 33,686 | 29,257 |
Profit before taxes | 74,589 | 138,048 | 69,226 | 83,271 | 37,707 |
Total operating income | 270,068 | 247,067 | 144,392 | 156,565 | 111,073 |
Total operating expenses | -111,004 | -90,550 | -73,062 | -65,294 | -51,676 |
Cost/income ratio | 41.3% | 36.9% | 50.7% | 41.9% | 46.6% |
Balance sheet total | 7,709,090 | 7,642,906 | 5,941,766 | 5,372,633 | 4,381,999 |
Equity, total | 576,143 | 541,052 | 364,961 | 401,294 | 353,493 |
Return on assets, ROA % | 0.8% | 1.6% | 1.0% | 1.4% | 0.8% |
Return on equity, ROE % | 10.7% | 24.3% | 14.5% | 17.6% | 9.1% |
Total capital (TC) ratio % | 15.6% | 16.5% | 14.9% | 15.6% | 16.2% |
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio % | 14.4% | 14.9% | 13.3% | 15.5% | 15.9% |
Impairment losses on financial assets | -83,379 | -17,126 | -1,747 | -7,294 | -12,587 |
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR | 1.80 | 3.49 | 1.85 | 2.22 | 1.04 |
Description of Key Figures
Key figure | Description | Multiply |
Operating income, total | Net interest income, net fee and commission income and expenses, net income on financial assets and liabilities, other operating income | |
Total operating expenses | Personnel expenses, other operating expenses, depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses on tangible and intangible assets | |
Cost/income ratio, % | Total operating expenses / Total operating income + share of profit from joint ventures and associated companies (net) | x100 |
Return on equity, ROE % | Profit/loss for the accounting period / Equity (average of the beginning and the end of the year) | x100 |
Total return on assets, ROA % | Profit/loss for the accounting period / Average balance sheet total (average of the beginning and the end of the year) | x100 |
Equity ratio, % | Equity total divided by Balance sheet total | x100 |
Total capital, (TC) % | Own funds total (TC) / Risk-weighted assets total (RWA) | x100 |
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratio, % | Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) / Risk-weighted assets total (RWA) x100 | x100 |
Tier 1 (T1), capital ratio % | Tier 1 capital (T1) / Risk-weighted assets total (RWA) x100 | x100 |
Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) | Minimum liquidity buffer relative to net cash and collateral outflows in a 30-day stress scenario | |
Earnings per share (EPS), EUR | Profit/loss for the accounting period belonging to the parent company owners | |
Earnings per share after dilution (EPS), EUR | Profit/loss for the accounting period belonging to the parent company / Average number of shares outstanding after dilution of share-based rewarding | |
Comparable cost/income ratio, % | Total operating expenses without items affecting comparability / Total operating income without items affecting comparability + share of profit from joint ventures and associated companies (net) | x100 |
Comparable profit before taxes | Profit/loss before taxes without items effecting comparability | |
Comparable return on equity (ROE), % | Comparative profit/loss for the accounting period / Equity (average of the beginning and the end of the year) | x100 |
Comparable earnings per share (EPS), EUR | Comparative profit/loss – Share of non-controlling interests / Average number of shares outstanding | |
Net stable funding ratio (NSFR)% | Available amount of stable funding / Required amount of stable funding | x100 |
Leverage ratio, % | Tier 1 (T1) capital / Exposures total | x100 |